

世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end. 而是我站在你面前It is when I sit near you 你不知道我爱你 that you don’t understand I love you. 世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 is not that you’re not sure I love you. 而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul 却不能说我爱你 but I can’t speak it out 世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can’t say I love you. 而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after looking into my heart 却只能深埋心底 I can’t change my love. 世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world 不是我不能说我想你 is not that I’m loving you. 而是彼此相爱 It is in our love 却不能够在一起 we are keeping between the distance. 世界上最远的距离 The most distant way inthe world 不是彼此相爱 is not the distance across us. 却不能够在一起 It is when we’re breaking through the way 而是明知道真爱无敌 we deny the existance of love. 却装作毫不在意 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees. 而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches 却无法在风中相依 can’t enjoy the co-existance. 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是树枝无法相依 is not in the being sepearated branches. 而是相互了望的星星 It is in the blinking stars 却没有交汇的轨迹 they can’t burn the light. 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是星星之间的轨迹 is not the burning stars. 而是纵然轨迹交汇 It is after the light 却在转瞬间无处寻觅 they can’t be seen from afar. 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away. 而是尚未相遇 It is the coincidence of us 便注定无法相聚 is not supposed for the love. 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 是鱼与飞鸟的距离 is the love between the fish and bird. 一个在天 One is flying at the sky, 一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea.。


if winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? Fear not that your life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning。

不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不曾开始。 Do not, for oen repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect。

不要因为一次失败,就放弃了你原来决心想达到的目的。 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass。

生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 Victoru won’t come to me unless I got to it。

胜利不会向我走来,我必须自己走向胜利。 Cease to struggle and you cease to live。

生命不止,奋斗不息。 A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate。









这个有很多版本的 1).In the Still of the NightI descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. (徐忠杰)2).A Tranquil NightAbed, I see a silver light,I wonder if it’s frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned. (许渊冲译) 3).In the Quiet NightSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bed—Could there have been a frost already?Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. (Tr. Witter Bynner)4). Night ThoughtsI wake, and moonbeams play around my bed,Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,Then lay me down—and thoughts of home arise. ( Tr. Herbert A. Giles)5). On a Quiet NightI saw the moonlight before my couch,And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.I raised my head and looked out on the mountain noon,I bowed my head and though of my far-off home. (TR. S. Obata)6). The Moon Shines EverywhereSeeing the moon before my couch so brightI thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:Then hide them full of Youth’s sweet memories. (Tr. W.J.B. Fletcher)7). Night ThoughtsIn front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?I list up my head and look at the full noon, the dazzling moon.I drop my head, and think of the home of old days. (Tr. Amy Lowell)8). Thoughts in a Tranquil NightAthwart the bedI watch the moonbeams cast a trailSo bright, so cold, so frail,That for a space it gleamsLike hoarfrost on the margin of my dreams.I raise my head, -The splendid moon I see:Then droop my head,And sink to dreams of thee -My father land , of thee! (Tr. L.Cranmer-Byng)9). NostalgiaA splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost?I raise my eyes to the moon, the same noon.As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of white, and my heart aches for home. (翁显良译) 1.Deeply I sign for faded flower’s falling in vain.Vaguely I seem to know the swallow comes again.(无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。)

2.Fallen in mud and ground to dust, she seems no more. But her fragrance is still the same.(零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。) 3.Most willow catkins have been blown away, alas! But there is no place where grows nor the sweet green grass.(枝上柳棉吹又少,天涯何处无芳草。)

4.The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys sunshine.My gallant is as deep in love as day is fine.(东边日出西边雨,道是无情却有情。) 5.When all at once I turn my head,find her there lantern light is dimly shed.(蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。)






伫倚危楼风细细。望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里。无言谁会凭阑意? 拟把疏狂图一醉。对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。




Though clothes became loose I regret nay

For you would rather stay pining away


Though clothes became loose I remorse nay

Regret not I’m for you pining away

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