而 垂直分表 则相对很少见到和用到,因为这可能是数据库设计上的问题了。如果数据库中一张表有部分字段几乎从不不更改但经常查询,而部分字段的数据频繁更改,这种设计放到同一个表中就不合理了,相互影响太大了。在已存在改情况的表的时候,可以考虑按列拆分表,即垂直拆分。
-- 源表 create table [dbo].[demotab]( [guid] [uniqueidentifier] not null, [username] [nvarchar](30) not null, [password] [nvarchar](30) not null, [useraccount] [varchar](30) not null, [amount] [numeric](18, 4) null, constraint [pk_demotab] primary key clustered ([guid]) ) go alter table [dbo].[demotab] add constraint [df_demotab_guid] default (newsequentialid()) for [guid] go -- 原来是访问视图的(好处就是视图层不变) create view [dbo].[vdemotab] as select [guid],[username],[password],[useraccount],[amount] from [dbo].[demotab] go
-- 分表【1】,以该表为"主表",其他拆分出的表为"子表" create table [dbo].[demotab001]( [guid] [uniqueidentifier] not null, [username] [nvarchar](30) not null, [password] [nvarchar](30) not null, constraint [pk_demotab001] primary key clustered ([guid]) ) go -- 主键默认值可以不需要,因为插入数据前需要确定主键值 --alter table [dbo].[demotab001] --add constraint [df_demotab001_guid] default (newsequentialid()) for [guid] --go -- 分表【2】,"子表" create table [dbo].[demotab002]( [guid] [uniqueidentifier] not null, [useraccount] [varchar](30) not null, [amount] [numeric](18, 4) null, constraint [pk_demotab002] primary key clustered ([guid]) ) go -- 主键默认值可以不需要,因为插入数据前需要确定主键值 --alter table [dbo].[demotab002] --add constraint [df_demotab002_guid] default (newsequentialid()) for [guid] --go -- 若主表变更主键则级联更新或删除(主键通常是不更新的,也可省去 on update cascade) alter table [dbo].[demotab002] add constraint [fk_demotab002_demotab001_guid] foreign key ([guid]) references [demotab001]([guid]) on update cascade on delete cascade go
-- 拆分后使用联合视图(inner join 也可以) alter view [dbo].[vdemotab] as select t1.[guid],t1.[username],t1.[password],t2.[useraccount],t2.[amount] from [dbo].[demotab001] t1 left join [dbo].[demotab002] t2 on t1.[guid]=t2.[guid] go
这时问题来了,要对表进行dml操作,insert , update , delete 怎么解决?因为要求主键是分散在多个表并且是相同的!
这时只能用考虑触发器来保证一致性了,触发器则定义在视图上,使用的是 instead of 类型的触发器。
insert 触发器:
视图 [vdemotab] 中的 [guid] 为表 插入时值,在插入触发器中,虚拟表[inserted]的[guid]是唯一的,所以在触发器中可以同时使用该 [guid] 插入到多个分表中,保证了多个分表的[guid]是相同的!
-- insert 触发器 create trigger [dbo].[tgr_vdemotab_insert] on [dbo].[vdemotab] instead of insert as begin insert into [dbo].[demotab001]([guid],[username],[password]) select [guid],[username],[password] from inserted; insert into [dbo].[demotab002]([guid],[useraccount],[amount]) select [guid],[useraccount],[amount] from inserted; end go
update 触发器:
同理,更新时涉及虚拟表 deleted 和 inserted,而更新是对视图[vdemotab]更新的,所以虚拟表inserted包括了所有的字段,所以需要触发器分别更新多个分表。
-- update 触发器 create trigger [dbo].[tgr_vdemotab_update] on [dbo].[vdemotab] instead of update as begin update t1 set t1.[username] = t2.[username], t1.[password] = t2.[password] from [dbo].[demotab001] as t1, inserted as t2 where t1.[guid] = t2.[guid] update t1 set t1.[useraccount] = t2.[useraccount], t1.[amount] = t2.[amount] from [dbo].[demotab002] as t1, inserted as t2 where t1.[guid] = t2.[guid] end go
delete 触发器:
-- delete 触发器 create trigger [dbo].[tgr_vdemotab_delete] on [dbo].[vdemotab] instead of delete as begin delete from [dbo].[demotab001] where [guid] in (select [guid] from deleted) end go
insert into [dbo].[vdemotab]([guid],[username],[password],[useraccount],[amount]) select newid(),'user01','pw01','account01',100 union all select newid(),'user02','pw02','account02',99 union all select newid(),'user03','pw03','account03',0 go update [vdemotab] set [password]='pw',[amount]='10' where [amount] >=0 and [amount]<100 and [username] like '%3' go delete from [vdemotab] where [username] = 'user03' go select * from [dbo].[demotab001] select * from [dbo].[demotab002] select * from [dbo].[vdemotab]
由于 guid 作为主键,使用的是 newid() 而不是 newsequentialid(),新增记录时聚集索引都可能重新排序较多数据。
分表之后,单个数据页能存储的数据更多了,但是分成多个表中,数据页也增多了,同时 guid 在每个表都存在,所以查询数据时io会更多。
对于更新数据,在触发器中是两个表同时更新的,即使更新其中一个分表,其他分表都会影响。如果分表之后不同时更新,可以在触发器中使用 if(update(col)) 来判断更新的是那一列,就更新相应的基表就行,其他分表不更新。
到此这篇关于sqlserver 垂直分表(减少程序改动)的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关sqlserver 垂直分表内容请搜索www.887551.com以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持www.887551.com!