- 建表
- 查看数据库文件:
- 插入
- 查询
- 删除
- 补充:mysql自动按月表分区
一般的表(innodb)创建后只有一个 idb 文件:
create table normal_table(id int primary key, no int)
create table partition_table(id int auto_increment, create_date date, name varchar(10), primary key(id, create_date)) engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range(month(create_date))( partition quarter1 values less than(4), partition quarter2 values less than(7), partition quarter3 values less than(10), partition quarter4 values less than(13) );
partition_table#p#quarter1.ibd partition_table#p#quarter2.ibd partition_table#p#quarter3.ibd partition_table#p#quarter4.ibd
insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-01-25", "tom1"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-02-25", "tom2"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-03-25", "tom3"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-04-25", "tom4"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-05-25", "tom5"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-06-25", "tom6"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-07-25", "tom7"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-08-25", "tom8"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-09-25", "tom9"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-10-25", "tom10"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-11-25", "tom11"); insert into partition_table(create_date, name) values("2021-12-25", "tom12");
select count(*) from partition_table; > 12 查询第二个分区(第二季度)的数据: select * from partition_table partition(quarter2); 4 2021-04-25 tom4 5 2021-05-25 tom5 6 2021-06-25 tom6
- auto_create_partition为创建表分区,调用后为该表创建到下月结束的表分区。
- auto_del_partition为删除表分区,方便历史数据空间回收。
delimiter $$ drop procedure if exists auto_create_partition$$ create procedure `auto_create_partition`(in `table_name` varchar(64)) begin set @next_month:=concat(date_format(date_add(now(),interval 2 month),'%y%m'),'01'); set @sql = concat( 'alter table `', table_name, '`', ' add partition (partition p', @next_month, " values less than (to_days(", @next_month ,")) );" ); prepare stmt from @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; end$$ drop procedure if exists auto_del_partition$$ create procedure `auto_del_partition`(in `table_name` varchar(64),in `reserved_month` int) begin declare v_finished integer default 0; declare v_part_name varchar(100) default ""; declare part_cursor cursor for select partition_name from information_schema.partitions where table_schema = schema() and table_name=@table_name and partition_description < to_days(concat(date_format(date_sub(now(),interval reserved_month month),'%y%m'),'01')); declare continue handler for not found set v_finished = true; open part_cursor; read_loop: loop fetch part_cursor into v_part_name; if v_finished = 1 then leave read_loop; end if; set @sql = concat( 'alter table `', table_name, '` drop partition ', v_part_name, ";" ); prepare stmt from @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; end loop; close part_cursor; end$$ delimiter ;
-- 假设有个表叫records,设置分区条件为按end_time按月分区 drop table if exists `records`; create table `records` ( `id` int(11) not null auto_increment, `start_time` datetime not null, `end_time` datetime not null, `memo` varchar(128) character set utf8mb4 not null, primary key (`id`,`end_time`) ) partition by range (to_days(end_time))( partition p20200801 values less than ( to_days('20200801')) ); drop event if exists `records_auto_partition`; -- 创建一个event,每月执行一次,同时最多保存6个月的数据 delimiter $$ create event `records_auto_partition` on schedule every 1 month on completion preserve enable do begin call auto_create_partition('records'); call auto_del_partition('records',6); end$$ delimiter ;
- 对于mysql 5.1以上版本来说,表分区的索引字段必须是主键
- 存储过程中,declare 必须紧跟着begin,否则会报看不懂的错误
- 游标的declare需要在定义声明之后,否则会报错
- 如果是自己安装的mysql,有可能event功能是未开启的,在创建event时会提示错误;修改my.cnf,在 [mysqld] 下添加event_scheduler=1后重启即可。