- 重点是什么?
- 从头开始制作 otp 字段
- 使用第三个包
- 结论
本文向您展示了在 flutter 中实现完美的验证码输入框几种不同方法。
真实世界的 完美的验证码输入框或 pin 输入 ui 通常满足以下最低要求:
- 有4个或6个文本域,每个文本域只能接受1个字符(通常是一个数字)
- 输入数字后自动聚焦下一个字段
从头开始制作 otp 字段
此示例创建一个简单的 otp 屏幕。首先,聚焦第一个输入字段。当您输入一个数字时,光标将自动移动到下一个字段。当按下提交按钮时,您输入的 otp 代码将显示在屏幕上。
// create an input widget that takes only one digit class otpinput extends statelesswidget { final texteditingcontroller controller; final bool autofocus; const otpinput(this.controller, this.autofocus, {key? key}) : super(key: key); @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return sizedbox( height: 60, width: 50, child: textfield( autofocus: autofocus, textalign: textalign.center, keyboardtype: textinputtype.number, controller: controller, maxlength: 1, cursorcolor: theme.of(context).primarycolor, decoration: const inputdecoration( border: outlineinputborder(), countertext: '', hintstyle: textstyle(color: colors.black, fontsize: 20.0)), onchanged: (value) { if (value.length == 1) { focusscope.of(context).nextfocus(); } }, ), ); } }
main.dart 中的完整源代码和解释(我将otpinput类放在文件底部):
import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:async/async.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:url_strategy/url_strategy.dart'; void main() { setpathurlstrategy(); runapp(myapp()); } class myapp extends statelesswidget { const myapp({key? key}) : super(key: key); @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return materialapp( // hide the debug banner debugshowcheckedmodebanner: false, title: '坚果', theme: themedata( primaryswatch: colors.indigo, ), home: const homescreen(), ); } } class homescreen extends statefulwidget { const homescreen({key? key}) : super(key: key); @override state<homescreen> createstate() => _homescreenstate(); } class _homescreenstate extends state<homescreen> { string _imageurl = 'https://luckly007.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/image/image-20211124085239175.png'; double _fontsize = 20; string _title = "坚果公众号"; // 4 text editing controllers that associate with the 4 input fields final texteditingcontroller _fieldone = texteditingcontroller(); final texteditingcontroller _fieldtwo = texteditingcontroller(); final texteditingcontroller _fieldthree = texteditingcontroller(); final texteditingcontroller _fieldfour = texteditingcontroller(); // this is the entered code // it will be displayed in a text widget string? _otp; @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return scaffold( appbar: appbar( title: text(_title), ), body: column( mainaxisalignment: mainaxisalignment.center, children: [ const text('请输入验证码'), const sizedbox( height: 30, ), // implement 4 input fields row( mainaxisalignment: mainaxisalignment.spaceevenly, children: [ otpinput(_fieldone, true), otpinput(_fieldtwo, false), otpinput(_fieldthree, false), otpinput(_fieldfour, false) ], ), const sizedbox( height: 30, ), elevatedbutton( onpressed: () { setstate(() { _otp = _fieldone.text + _fieldtwo.text + _fieldthree.text + _fieldfour.text; }); }, child: const text('提交')), const sizedbox( height: 30, ), // display the entered otp code text( _otp ?? '验证码', style: const textstyle(fontsize: 30), ) ], ), ); } } // create an input widget that takes only one digit class otpinput extends statelesswidget { final texteditingcontroller controller; final bool autofocus; const otpinput(this.controller, this.autofocus, {key? key}) : super(key: key); @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return sizedbox( height: 60, width: 50, child: textfield( autofocus: autofocus, textalign: textalign.center, keyboardtype: textinputtype.number, controller: controller, maxlength: 1, cursorcolor: theme.of(context).primarycolor, decoration: const inputdecoration( border: outlineinputborder(), countertext: '', hintstyle: textstyle(color: colors.black, fontsize: 20.0)), onchanged: (value) { if (value.length == 1) { focusscope.of(context).nextfocus(); } }, ), ); } }
为了仅用几行代码快速实现您的目标,您可以使用第三方插件。在我们的例子中一些好的是pin_code_fields,otp_text_field等。 下面的例子将使用pin_code_fileds,它提供了很多很棒的功能:
- 自动将下一个字段集中在打字上,将上一个字段集中在委派上
- 可以设置为任意长度
- 高度可定制
- 输入文本的 3 种不同类型的动画
- 动画活动、非活动、选定和禁用字段颜色切换
- 自动对焦选项
- 从剪贴板粘贴 otp 代码
flutter pub add pin_code_fields
import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:async/async.dart'; import 'package:pin_code_fields/pin_code_fields.dart'; import 'package:url_strategy/url_strategy.dart'; void main() { setpathurlstrategy(); runapp(myapp()); } class myapp extends statelesswidget { const myapp({key? key}) : super(key: key); @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return materialapp( // hide the debug banner debugshowcheckedmodebanner: false, title: '坚果', theme: themedata( primaryswatch: colors.indigo, ), home: const homescreen(), ); } } class homescreen extends statefulwidget { const homescreen({key? key}) : super(key: key); @override state<homescreen> createstate() => _homescreenstate(); } class _homescreenstate extends state<homescreen> { string _imageurl = 'https://luckly007.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/image/image-20211124085239175.png'; double _fontsize = 20; string _title = "坚果公众号"; // 4 text editing controllers that associate with the 4 input fields texteditingcontroller texteditingcontroller = texteditingcontroller(); string currenttext = ""; @override widget build(buildcontext context) { return scaffold( appbar: appbar( title: text(_title), ), body: padding( padding: const edgeinsets.all(30), child: center( child: pincodetextfield( length: 6, obscuretext: false, animationtype: animationtype.fade, pintheme: pintheme( shape: pincodefieldshape.box, borderradius: borderradius.circular(5), fieldheight: 50, fieldwidth: 40, activefillcolor: colors.white, ), animationduration: const duration(milliseconds: 300), backgroundcolor: colors.blue.shade50, enableactivefill: true, controller: texteditingcontroller, oncompleted: (v) { debugprint("completed"); }, onchanged: (value) { debugprint(value); setstate(() { currenttext = value; }); }, beforetextpaste: (text) { return true; }, appcontext: context, ), ), ), ); } }
我们已经介绍了 2 个在 flutter 中创建现代优雅的 完美的验证码输入框/pin 输入字段的示例。