select sno,sname
from student
where age>=20
select sno,sname,2018-age
from student
where sname like ‘钱%’ and sex=’男’;
select cname
from course
where credit>3
select sname
from student
where dno is null
select dname
from department
where homepage is null
select d.dname,abc.avgage
from department d,(select d.dno,avg(age)
from student s right outer join department d
on s.dno=d.dno
group by d.dno) as abc(dno, avgage)
where d.dno=abc.dno;
select student.sname,avg(score)
from student left outer join sc on student.sno = sc.sno
group by student.sno
select cname,avg(score)
from course left outer join sc on course.cno = sc.cno
group by course.cno
select dname,count(distinct cno)
from department,course
where department.dno = course.dno
group by department.dname
select cname,count(sno)
from course,sc
where course.cno = sc.cno
group by cname
select sno,sname
from department,student
where student.dno = department.dno and dname = ‘信息学院’
select cno,cname
from department,course
where department.dno = course.dno and dname = ‘软件学院’;
select sno,sname
from student
where dno = ( select dno
from student
where sname = ‘陈丽’ )
select sno,sname
from student
where age = ( select age
from student
where sname = ‘张三’)
select sno,sname
from student
where age = (select age
from student
where sname = ‘张三’)
and dno != (select dno
from student
where sname = ‘张三’)
select cname
from course
where credit > (select credit
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’)
select count(distinct sno)
from sc,course
where sc.cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘组合数学’)
select sname
from student
where sno not in (select sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’) )
select cname
from course
where credit not in (select credit
from course
where cname = ‘算法设计与分析’ or cname = ‘移动计算’)
select cname
from course,sc
where course.cno = sc.cno
group by course.cno
having avg(sc.score)>= 90
select sname,score
from student,sc
where student.sno = sc.sno
and cno in (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’)
select cname,score
from course,sc
where course.cno = sc.cno and sc.sno in (select sno
from student
where sname = ‘王兵’)
select sname,cname,score
from student,course,sc
where student.sno = sc.sno and course.cno = sc.cno and score<60
select sname
from student
where sno in (select sno
from sc,course
where sc.cno = course.cno and course.cno in (select cno
from course,department
where course.dno = department.dno and dname = ‘文学院’))
select sname,cname
from student,course
where sno in (select sno
from student
where dno = (select dno
from department
where dname = ‘信息学院’) )
and cno in (select cno
from course,department
where course.dno = department.dno and dname = ‘信息学院’)
select student.sname,
(select course.cname
from course
where course.cno=sc.cno)
from student left join sc on student.sno=sc.sno;
select cname
from course
where cno = (select cpno
from course
where cname = ‘形式语言与自动机’)
select cname
from course
where cno = (select cpno
from course
where cno = (select cpno
from course
where cname = ‘形式语言与自动机’))
select cname
from course
where cpno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘编译原理数学’)
select cname
from course
where cpno in (select cno
from course
where cpno in (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’)
select cname
from course
where cpno is null
select sname
from student
where sno not in (select sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘形式语言与自动机’) )
select sname
from student
where sno in (select sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘形式语言与自动机’) )
and sno not in (select sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cno = (select cpno
from course
where cname = ‘形式语言与自动机’) ))
select s.sno,s.sname,v.sumcredit
from student s, (select sno,sum(credit)
from sc, course c
where sc.cno=c.cno
group by sc.sno
having sum(credit)>=28) as v(sno,sumcredit)
where s.sno=v.sno;
select sname
from student
where student.sno in (select sno
from sc
where score>85
group by sc.sno
having count(cno)>3)
select sname
from student
where student.sno in (select sno
from sc
where score>=60
group by sc.sno
having count(cno)=3)
select dname,count(student.sno)
from department,student
where department.dno = student.dno
group by department.dno
having count(student.sno)>6
select sname
from student s
where s.sno in (select sc.sno
from sc
group by sc.sno
having avg(score)> all(select avg(score)
from sc
where sc.sno = (select sno
from student
where sname = ‘王兵’)))
select sname
from student
where sno in (select distinct sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’))
and sno in (select sno
from sc
where sc.cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘编译原理’))
select avg(score)
from sc
where cno = (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘离散数学’)
select s.sno,s.sname,s.age,d.dname
from student s left join department d on s.dno=d.dno
where age not in (select age
from student
where age is not null
and dno = (select dno
from department
where dname=’软件学院’))
select d.dname,c.cname,v.countof
from course c,department d, (select dno,cno,count(s.sno)
from student s, sc
where s.sno=sc.sno
group by dno,cno
having count(sc.sno)>4) as v(dno,cno,countof)
where c.cno=v.cno and d.dno=v.dno;
select student.sno,student.sname,department.dname
from student left outer join department on student.dno = department.dno
where student.sno not in (select sno
from sc
where cno != (select cno
from course
where cname = ‘高等数学’))
select sname
from student
where sno in(select sc.sno
from sc,course
where sc.cno=course.cno and score is not null and credit is not null
group by sno
having sum(score*credit)/sum(credit)<70)
select sname
from student
where sno not in (select sno
from sc
where cno not in (select cno
from course
where dno = (select dno
from department
where dname = ‘信息学院’)))
select sname
from student s
where sno in (select sno
from sc
where cno in (select cno
from sc
where sno = (select sno
from student
where sname = ‘杨佳伟’)))