
  1. /* 得到trace文件路径和名称 */

  select d.value

  || ‘/’

  || lower (rtrim (i.instance, chr (0)))

  || ‘_ora_’

  || p.spid

  || ‘.trc’ trace_file_name

  from (select p.spid

  from v$mystat m, v$session s, v$process p

  where m.statisti = 1 and s.sid = m.sid and p.addr = s.paddr) p,

  (select t.instance

  from v$thread t, v$parameter v

  where v.name = ‘thread’

  and (v.value = 0 or t.thread# = to_number (v.value))) i,

  (select value

  from v$parameter

  where name = ‘user_dump_dest’) d


  2./* 显示产生锁定的sql语句 */

  select /*+ no_merge(a) no_merge(b) no_merge(c) */ a.username, a.machine, a.sid,a.serial#, a.last_call_et “seconds”, b.id1, c.sql_text “sql” from v$session a, v$lock b,v$sqltext c where a.username is not null and a.lockwait = b.kaddr and c.hash_value =a.sql_hash_value;

  3./* 查看oracle隐藏参数 */

  select name,


  decode(isdefault, ‘true’, ‘y’, ‘n’) as “default”,

  decode(isem, ‘true’, ‘y’, ‘n’) as sesmod,

  decode(isym, ‘immediate’, ‘i’, ‘deferred’, ‘d’, ‘false’, ‘n’) as sysmod,

  decode(imod, ‘modified’, ‘u’, ‘sys_modified’, ‘s’, ‘n’) as modified,

  decode(iadj, ‘true’, ‘y’, ‘n’) as adjusted,


  from ( –gv$system_parameter

  select x.inst_id as instance,

  x.indx + 1,

  ksppinm as name,


  ksppstvl as value,

  ksppstdf as isdefault,

  decode(bitand(ksppiflg / 256, 1), 1, ‘true’, ‘false’) as isem,

  decode(bitand(ksppiflg / 65536, 3),





  ’false’) as isym,

  decode(bitand(ksppstvf, 7), 1, ‘modified’, ‘false’) as imod,

  decode(bitand(ksppstvf, 2), 2, ‘true’, ‘false’) as iadj,

  ksppdesc as description

  from x$ksppi x, x$ksppsv y

  where x.indx = y.indx

  and substr(ksppinm, 1, 1) = ‘_’

  and x.inst_id = userenv(‘instance’))

  order by name;

  4./* 根据中oracle的pid来查看sql */

  select /*+ ordered */ sql_text from v$sqltext a where (a.hash_value,a.address) in (select decode (sql_hash_value,0,prev_hash_value,sql_hash_value),decode (sql_hash_value,0,prev_sql_addr,sql_address) from v$session b where b.paddr =( select addr from v$process c where c.spid = ‘&pid’)) order by piece asc;

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