alter proc updatestudent @id int, @id2 int as declare @schoolid int declare @classid int declare @studentid int declare @idnumber int declare @idaaa int begin declare feeinsertstudent cursor for select stuid,schid,clasid from t_school where id=@id open feeinsertstudent fetch next from feeinsertstudent into @schoolid,@classid,@studentid while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @idnumber=(select count(*) from t_leaveschool where studentid=@studentid and schoolid=@schoolid and classid=@classid) set @idaaa=(select count(*) from t_leaveschool where id=@id2) if(@idnumber!=0) if(@idaaa!=0) begin update t_leaveschool set studentid=@studentid,classid=@classid,schoolid=@studentid where id=@id2 end fetch next from feeinsertstudent into @schoolid,@classid,@studentid end close feeinsertstudent deallocate feeinsertstudent end