dql:data query language 数据查询语言
格式:select[distinct] 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 控制条件
(distinct: 显示结果时,是否去除重复列 给哪一列去重就在哪一列字段前加入distinct)
select * from student
select name,english from student
(3) 过滤表中重复的math成绩
select distinct math from student;
(4) 创建一个student类 添加属性id,name,sex,chinese,english,math
select * from student;– 查询英语在70到75之间的学生的信息-- select * from student where english between 70 and 75;– 查询语文是80或者82或者90分的学生信息-- select * from student where chinese in(80,82,90);– 查询所有首字母为l的学生的成绩-- select * from student where name like "l%";– 查询数学大于80且语文大于80 的同学-- select * from student where math>80 and chinese>90;– 对数学成绩排序后输出 (默认升序 asc)-- select * from student order by math;– 对数学成绩排序后输出(降序 desc)-- select * from student order by math desc;– 指定多个字段进行排序,先按第一个字段进行排序,如果相同则按第二个字段进行排序 -- select * from student order by math desc,chinese desc;– where后可以加 order by-- select * from student where name like "%l" order by math desc;– 显示student 表格中的前3行select * from student limit 2;– 显示student 表格中的第3~5行select * from student limit 2,3; -- 2表示偏移量,3表示显示的行数
注:逻辑运算符优先级 not>and>or
*②select |{column1|expression、column2|expression,…}from table; select column as 别名 from table;
expression : mysql支持表达式 加减乘除;
as: 表示给某一列起别名;并且as 可以省略;
– 关联(1对n)
create table customer( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar (20) not null, adress varchar (20) not null ); create table orders( order_num varchar(20) primary key, price float not null, customer_id int, -- 进行和customer 关联的字段 外键 constraint cus_ord_fk foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id) ); insert into customer(name,adress) values("zs","北京"); insert into customer(name,adress) values("ls","上海"); select * from customer; insert into orders values("010",30.5,1); insert into orders values("011",60.5,2); insert into orders values("012",120.5,1); select * from orders;
unique 唯一性标识
primary key 主键 (auto_increment 设置自动增长) -- unique 表约束 唯一性标识 -- primary key 主键 create table t4 ( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar (20) not null, gender char (5) not null, idcard varchar (20) unique -- unique 唯一性标识 ); desc t4; insert into t4 (name,gender,idcard) value("zs","man","110"); insert into t4 (name,gender,idcard) value("ls","woman","112");