我作为sql server dba工作了8年多,管理和优化服务器的性能。在我的空闲时间,我想为宇宙和我的同事做一些有用的事情。这就是我们最终为sql server和azure 提供免费索引维护工具的方法。
每隔一段时间,人们在处理他们的优先事项时,可能就像一个手指式电池 – 一个激励充电只持续一闪,然后一切都消失了。直到最近,我在这一生活观察中也不例外。我经常被想法创造属于我自己的想法所困扰,但优先级从一个变为另一个并且没有完成任何事情。
devart开发用于开发和管理sql server,mysql和oracle数据库的软件,对我的动机和专业成长产生了很大的影响。
在他们来之前,我对创建自己的产品的具体细节知之甚少,但在此过程中,我获得了很多关于sql server内部结构的知识。一年多以来,我一直致力于优化产品线中的查询,逐渐开始了解市场上哪些功能比另一种功能更受欢迎。
在一个崭新的地方工作,并试图自己创建一个项目让我不断妥协。制造一个拥有所有花里胡哨的大产品的最初想法很快就会停止并逐渐转变为一个不同的方向 – 将计划的功能分解为单独的迷你工具并相互独立地实现它们。
因此,sql index manager诞生了,它是sql server和azure的免费索引维护工具。主要想法是将redgate和devart公司的商业替代品作为基础,并尝试在我自己的项目中改进其功能。
口头上说,一切听起来都很简单……只需观看几个激励视频,打开“rocky balboa”模式,开始制作一款很酷的产品。但让我们面对音乐,一切都不那么乐观,因为在使用系统表函数时存在许多陷阱,sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
在分析redgate sql索引管理器(v1.1.9.1378 – 每个用户155美元)时,您可以看到应用程序使用一种非常简单的方法:使用第一个查询,我们获得用户表和视图的列表,然后第二个,我们返回所选数据库中所有索引的列表。
select objects.name as tableorviewname , objects.object_id as tableorviewid , schemas.name as schemaname , cast(isnull(lobs.numlobs, 0) as bit) as containslobs , o.is_memory_optimized from sys.objects as objects join sys.schemas as schemas on schemas.schema_id = objects.schema_id left join ( select object_id , count(*) as numlobs from sys.columns with (nolock) where system_type_id in (34, 35, 99) or max_length = -1 group by object_id ) as lobs on objects.object_id = lobs.object_id left join sys.tables as o on o.object_id = objects.object_id where objects.type = 'u' or objects.type = 'v' select i.object_id as tableorviewid , i.name as indexname , i.index_id as indexid , i.allow_page_locks as allowpagelocks , p.partition_number as partitionnumber , cast((c.numpartitions - 1) as bit) as belongstopartitionedindex from sys.indexes as i join sys.partitions as p on p.index_id = i.index_id and p.object_id = i.object_id join ( select count(*) as numpartitions , object_id , index_id from sys.partitions group by object_id , index_id ) as c on c.index_id = i.index_id and c.object_id = i.object_id where i.index_id > 0 -- ignore heaps and i.is_disabled = 0 and i.is_hypothetical = 0
exec sp_executesql n' select index_id, avg_fragmentation_in_percent, page_count from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@databaseid, @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnr, null)' , n'@databaseid int,@objectid int,@indexid int,@partitionnr int' , @databaseid = 7, @objectid = 2133582639, @indexid = 1, @partitionnr = 1 exec sp_executesql n' select index_id, avg_fragmentation_in_percent, page_count from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@databaseid, @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnr, null)' , n'@databaseid int,@objectid int,@indexid int,@partitionnr int' , @databaseid = 7, @objectid = 2133582639, @indexid = 2, @partitionnr = 1 exec sp_executesql n' select index_id, avg_fragmentation_in_percent, page_count from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@databaseid, @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnr, null)' , n'@databaseid int,@objectid int,@indexid int,@partitionnr int' , @databaseid = 7, @objectid = 2133582639, @indexid = 3, @partitionnr = 1
但是问题在另一个方面表现得更加尖锐 – 对服务器的请求数量大约等于来自的总行数sys.partitions
与redgate不同,由devart开发的类似产品 – 用于sql server的dbforge索引管理器(v1.10.38 – 每用户99美元)在一个大型查询中接收信息,然后在客户端上显示所有内容:
select schema_name(o.[schema_id]) as [schema_name] , o.name as parent_name , o.[type] as parent_type , i.name , i.type_desc , s.avg_fragmentation_in_percent , s.page_count , p.partition_number , p.[rows] , isnull(lob.is_lob_legacy, 0) as is_lob_legacy , isnull(lob.is_lob, 0) as is_lob , case when ds.[type] = 'ps' then 1 else 0 end as is_partitioned from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id(), null, null, null, null) s join sys.partitions p on s.[object_id] = p.[object_id] and s.index_id = p.index_id and s.partition_number = p.partition_number join sys.indexes i on i.[object_id] = s.[object_id] and i.index_id = s.index_id left join ( select c.[object_id] , index_id = isnull(i.index_id, 1) , is_lob_legacy = max(case when c.system_type_id in (34, 35, 99) then 1 end) , is_lob = max(case when c.max_length = -1 then 1 end) from sys.columns c left join sys.index_columns i on c.[object_id] = i.[object_id] and c.column_id = i.column_id and i.index_id > 0 where c.system_type_id in (34, 35, 99) or c.max_length = -1 group by c.[object_id], i.index_id ) lob on lob.[object_id] = i.[object_id] and lob.index_id = i.index_id join sys.objects o on o.[object_id] = i.[object_id] join sys.data_spaces ds on i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id where i.[type] in (1, 2) and i.is_disabled = 0 and i.is_hypothetical = 0 and s.index_level = 0 and s.alloc_unit_type_desc = 'in_row_data' and o.[type] in ('u', 'v')
insert into #allocationunits (containerid, reservedpages, usedpages) select [container_id] , sum([total_pages]) , sum([used_pages]) from sys.allocation_units with(nolock) group by [container_id] having sum([total_pages]) between @minindexsize and @maxindexsize
select [object_id] , [index_id] , [partition_id] , [partition_number] , [rows] , [data_compression] into #partitions from sys.partitions with(nolock) where [object_id] > 255 and [rows] > 0 and [object_id] not in (select * from #excludelist)
insert into #indexes select objectid = i.[object_id] , indexid = i.index_id , indexname = i.[name] , pagescount = a.reservedpages , unusedpagescount = a.reservedpages - a.usedpages , partitionnumber = p.[partition_number] , rowscount = isnull(p.[rows], 0) , indextype = i.[type] , isallowpagelocks = i.[allow_page_locks] , dataspaceid = i.[data_space_id] , datacompression = p.[data_compression] , isunique = i.[is_unique] , ispk = i.[is_primary_key] , fillfactorvalue = i.[fill_factor] , isfiltered = i.[has_filter] from #allocationunits a join #partitions p on a.containerid = p.[partition_id] join sys.indexes i with(nolock) on i.[object_id] = p.[object_id] and p.[index_id] = i.[index_id] where i.[type] in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6) and i.[object_id] > 255
insert into #fragmentation (objectid, indexid, partitionnumber, fragmentation) select i.objectid , i.indexid , i.partitionnumber , r.[avg_fragmentation_in_percent] from #indexes i cross apply sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats_ (@dbid, i.objectid, i.indexid, i.partitionnumber, 'limited') r where i.pagescount <= @predescribesize and r.[index_level] = 0 and r.[alloc_unit_type_desc] = 'in_row_data' and i.indextype in (0, 1, 2)
select i.objectid , i.indexid , i.indexname , objectname = o.[name] , schemaname = s.[name] , i.pagescount , i.unusedpagescount , i.partitionnumber , i.rowscount , i.indextype , i.isallowpagelocks , u.totalwrites , u.totalreads , u.totalseeks , u.totalscans , u.totallookups , u.lastusage , i.datacompression , f.fragmentation , indexstats = stats_date(i.objectid, i.indexid) , isloblegacy = isnull(lob.isloblegacy, 0) , islob = isnull(lob.islob, 0) , issparse = cast(case when p.objectid is null then 0 else 1 end as bit) , ispartitioned = cast(case when dds.[data_space_id] _ is not null then 1 else 0 end as bit) , filegroupname = fg.[name] , i.isunique , i.ispk , i.fillfactorvalue , i.isfiltered , a.indexcolumns , a.includedcolumns from #indexes i join sys.objects o with(nolock) on o.[object_id] = i.objectid join sys.schemas s with(nolock) on s.[schema_id] = o.[schema_id] left join #aggcolumns a on a.objectid = i.objectid and a.indexid = i.indexid left join #sparse p on p.objectid = i.objectid left join #fragmentation f on f.objectid = i.objectid and f.indexid = i.indexid and f.partitionnumber = i.partitionnumber left join ( select objectid = [object_id] , indexid = [index_id] , totalwrites = nullif([user_updates], 0) , totalreads = nullif([user_seeks] + [user_scans] + [user_lookups], 0) , totalseeks = nullif([user_seeks], 0) , totalscans = nullif([user_scans], 0) , totallookups = nullif([user_lookups], 0) , lastusage = ( select max(dt) from ( values ([last_user_seek]) , ([last_user_scan]) , ([last_user_lookup]) , ([last_user_update]) ) t(dt) ) from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats with(nolock) where [database_id] = @dbid ) u on i.objectid = u.objectid and i.indexid = u.indexid left join #lob lob on lob.objectid = i.objectid and lob.indexid = i.indexid left join sys.destination_data_spaces dds with(nolock) _ on i.dataspaceid = dds.[partition_scheme_id] and i.partitionnumber = dds.[destination_id] join sys.filegroups fg with(nolock) _ on isnull(dds.[data_space_id], i.dataspaceid) = fg.[data_space_id] where o.[type] in ('v', 'u') and ( f.fragmentation >= @fragmentation or i.pagescount > @predescribesize or i.indextype in (5, 6) )
exec sp_executesql n' declare @dbid int = db_id() select [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@dbid, @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnumber, ''limited'') where [index_level] = 0 and [alloc_unit_type_desc] = ''in_row_data''' , n'@objectid int,@indexid int,@partitionnumber int' , @objectid = 1044198770, @indexid = 1, @partitionnumber = 1 exec sp_executesql n' declare @dbid int = db_id() select [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@dbid, @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnumber, ''limited'') where [index_level] = 0 and [alloc_unit_type_desc] = ''in_row_data''' , n'@objectid int,@indexid int,@partitionnumber int' , @objectid = 1552724584, @indexid = 0, @partitionnumber = 1
select * from ( select indexid = [index_id] , partitionnumber = [partition_number] , pagescount = sum([size_in_bytes]) / 8192 , unusedpagescount = isnull(sum(case when [state] = 1 _ then [size_in_bytes] end), 0) / 8192 , fragmentation = cast(isnull(sum(case when [state] = 1 _ then [size_in_bytes] end), 0) * 100. / sum([size_in_bytes]) as float) from sys.fn_column_store_row_groups(@objectid) group by [index_id] , [partition_number] ) t where fragmentation >= @fragmentation and pagescount between @minindexsize and @maxindexsize
select objectid = d.[object_id] , userimpact = gs.[avg_user_impact] , totalreads = gs.[user_seeks] + gs.[user_scans] , totalseeks = gs.[user_seeks] , totalscans = gs.[user_scans] , lastusage = isnull(gs.[last_user_scan], gs.[last_user_seek]) , indexcolumns = case when d.[equality_columns] is not null _and d.[inequality_columns] is not null then d.[equality_columns] + ', ' + d.[inequality_columns] when d.[equality_columns] is not null and d.[inequality_columns] is null then d.[equality_columns] else d.[inequality_columns] end , includedcolumns = d.[included_columns] from sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups g with(nolock) join sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats gs with(nolock) _ on gs.[group_handle] = g.[index_group_handle] join sys.dm_db_missing_index_details d with(nolock) _ on g.[index_handle] = d.[index_handle] where d.[database_id] = db_id()
关键的是,开发计划并没有就此结束,因为我渴望进一步开发这个应用程序。下一步是添加查找重复(已完成)或未使用索引的功能,以及实现对在sql server中维护统计信息的完全支持。