create proc [名字] { @参数 数据类型, @参数 数据类型 output[输入] } as begin select insert update (sql) end --基本语句快
–先看看不带参数的吧 他跟方法一样 可以带参数也可以不带参数(当然我没用过几次不带参数的)
if(select * from sysobjects where name ='proc_table') drop proc proc_table go create proc proc_table as select * from users where s_id='' go exec proc_table
if(select * from sysobjects where name ='p_log') drop proc p_log go create proc p_log @acctount varchar(50), @accountpwd varchar(50) as begin select count(*) from users where u_loginname=@acctount and u_password=@accountpwd; end exec p_log'1','123456'
--c#orjava 调了之后直接判断有没有值即可
在java中我们需要调用带参的方法时需要传参给形参,列入比较两个大小的方法 int compare( int first ,int second),比较10 和20的大小,则调用形式:tempcompare(10,20),方法compare返回值赋值给变量为tmp.
~输出参数: 同java 如果希望参数可以带出方法,则可以使用输出参数值带出方法,则可以输出参数,通过定义参数 “output”标记 ,表明该参数是输出参数 ,执行存储过程后吧 返回值存放在输出中-
可以给其他t-sql 语句访问,
create proc [dbo].[p_getconsumeorderpaged] @pagesize int, @pageindex int, @count int output, @mc_cradid varchar(20), @mc_mobile varchar(20), @begindate varchar(20), @enddate varchar(20), @co_ordertype int, @s_id int as begin select top(@pagesize) * from consumeorders m inner join memcards a on m.mc_id=a.mc_id inner join categoryitems b on m.co_ordertype=b.ci_id where a.s_id=@s_id and m.co_id not in( select top(@pagesize*(@pageindex-1)) m.co_id from consumeorders m inner join memcards a on m.mc_id=a.mc_id inner join categoryitems b on m.co_ordertype=b.ci_id and a.s_id=@s_id and b.c_category='co_ordertype' and ((a.mc_cardid=@mc_cradid or a.mc_mobile=@mc_mobile) or (@mc_cradid='' and @mc_mobile='')) and ((@begindate='' or @enddate='') or (m.co_createtime between @begindate and @enddate)) and ((@co_ordertype=0) or (m.co_ordertype=@co_ordertype)) ) and b.c_category='co_ordertype' and ((a.mc_cardid=@mc_cradid or a.mc_mobile=@mc_mobile) or (@mc_cradid='' and @mc_mobile='')) and ((@begindate='' or @enddate='') or (m.co_createtime between @begindate and @enddate)) and ((@co_ordertype=0) or (m.co_ordertype=@co_ordertype)) select @count=count(*) from consumeorders m inner join memcards a on m.mc_id=a.mc_id inner join categoryitems b on m.co_ordertype=b.ci_id where a.s_id=@s_id and b.c_category='co_ordertype' and ((a.mc_cardid=@mc_cradid or a.mc_mobile=@mc_mobile) or (@mc_cradid='' and @mc_mobile='')) and ((@begindate='' or @enddate='') or (m.co_createtime between @begindate and @enddate)) and ((@co_ordertype=0) or (m.co_ordertype=@co_ordertype)) end go
— 创建参数带有默认值的proc
if(select * from sysobjects where name ='proc_insertstu') drop proc proc_insertstu go create pro proc_insertstu @stuname varchar(20), @stusex char(2)='男', @classid int =2 as begin insert into stuinfoo(stuname,stusexmclassid) values(@stuname ,@stusex,@classid ) end go exec proc_insertstu'唐胜' exec proc_insertstu'‘‘zhubajie’@classid=1