“招标书编号”为字符型,编号规则为 zbyyyymmddnnn, zb是招标的汉语拼音首字母,yyyymmdd是当前日期,nnn是三位流水号。
create table tender ( tender_id varchar2(50) primary key, project_name varchar2(50) not null unique, content blob, end_date date not null, status integer not null ); create table bid ( bid_id varchar2(50) primary key, tender_id varchar2(50) not null, company varchar2(50) not null, content blob, bid_date date not null, price integer not null, status integer not null ); alter table bid add constraint fk_bid_tender_id foreign key(tender_id) references tender(tender_id);
create or replace function "createzbno" return varchar2 as hascount number(11,0); lastid varchar2(50); lasttime varchar2(12); lastno number(3,0); curno number(3,0); begin -- 查询表中是否有记录 select "count"(tender_id) into hascount from tender; if hascount > 0 then -- 查询必要信息 select tender_id into lastid from tender where rownum = 1 order by to_number(to_char(scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn),'yyyymmddhh24mmss'),'99999999999999') desc; select "substr"(lastid, 3, 8) into lasttime from dual; -- 分析上一次发布招标信息是否是今日 if ("to_char"(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') = lasttime) then select "to_number"("substr"(lastid, 11, 13), '999') into lastno from dual; -- 如果是今日且流水号允许新增招标信息 if lastno < 999 then select lastno + 1 into curno from dual; return 'zb'||lasttime||"lpad"("to_char"(curno), 3, '0'); end if; -- 流水号超出 return 'nooutofbounds!check it!'; end if; -- 不是今日发布的招标信息,今日是第一次 return 'zb'||"to_char"(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')||'001'; end if; -- 整个表中的第一条数据 return 'zb'||"to_char"(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')||'001'; end;
create or replace function "createtbno" (zbno in varchar2) return varchar2 as hascount number(11,0); lastid varchar2(50); lastno number(3,0); curno number(3,0); begin -- 查看是否已经有了对于该想招标的投标书 select "count"(bid_id) into hascount from bid where bid_id like 'tb'||zbno||'___' and rownum = 1 order by to_number(to_char(scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn),'yyyymmddhh24mmss'),'99999999999999') desc; if hascount > 0 then -- 有了 select bid_id into lastid from bid where bid_id like 'tb'||zbno||'___' and rownum = 1 order by to_number(to_char(scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn),'yyyymmddhh24mmss'),'99999999999999') desc; select "to_number"("substr"(lastid, 16,18),'999') into lastno from dual; -- 流水号没超出 if lastno < 999 then select lastno + 1 into curno from dual; return 'tb'||zbno||"lpad"("to_char"(curno),3,'0'); end if; return 'nooutofbounds!check it!'; end if; -- 没有投标书对该招标书 return 'tb'||zbno||'001'; end;
create or replace trigger newtender before insert on tender for each row begin -- 如果生成编号失败 if (length("createzbno") <> 13) then -- 此处根据我的提示信息报错可以直接如下操作 -- :new.tender_id := null; raise_application_error(-20222,"createzbno"); end if; -- 如果生成编号成功,将编号注入查询语句中 :new.tender_id :="createzbno"; end;
create or replace trigger newbid before insert on bid for each row begin if (length("createtbno"(:new.tender_id)) <> 18) then raise_application_error(-20222,"createtbno"(:new.tender_id)); end if; :new.bid_id :="createtbno"(:new.tender_id); end;