ora-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys这篇博客是很早之前总结的一篇文章,最近导数时使用truncate清理主表数据又遇到了这个错误,发现还有其它解决方案:
a) 禁用与主表相关的外键约束
b) truncate table
c) 启用那些外键约束。
—生成禁用约束的脚本,解决ora-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
select dc.owner as "parent_table_owner",
dc.table_name as "parent_table_name",
dc.constraint_name as "primary constraint name",
df.constraint_name as "referenced constraint name",
df.owner as "child_table_owner",
df.table_name as "child_table_name" ,
'alter table ' || df.owner || '.' || df.table_name || ' disable constraint ' || df.constraint_name || ';'
from dba_constraints dc,
(select c.owner,
from dba_constraints c
where constraint_type = 'r') df
where dc.constraint_name = df.r_constraint_name
and dc.owner =upper('&owner')
and dc.table_name=upper('&table_name');
—生成启用约束的脚本,解决ora-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
select dc.owner as "parent_table_owner",
dc.table_name as "parent_table_name",
dc.constraint_name as "primary constraint name",
df.constraint_name as "referenced constraint name",
df.owner as "child_table_owner",
df.table_name as "child_table_name" ,
'alter table ' || df.owner || '.' || df.table_name || ' enable constraint ' || df.constraint_name || ';'
from dba_constraints dc,
(select c.owner,
from dba_constraints c
where constraint_type = 'r') df
where dc.constraint_name = df.r_constraint_name
and dc.owner =upper('&owner')
and dc.table_name=upper('&table_name');
原因分析:对于由 foreign key 约束引用的表,不能使用 truncate table,因为truncate不会触发触发器,不会去验证任何约束。所以语法上是不允许的:有外键约束的表只能用delete删除数据,不能用truncate删除数据。
you cannot truncate a table with an enabled foreign key that points to it. truncate does not fire any triggers, does not validate any constraints. it does not care of the child table is empty or not — in this case the child table might actually not be empty.