select table_name from dba_tables t where table_name like 'wrh$%' and not exists (select 'x' from dba_tab_columns c where c.column_name = 'snap_id' and c.table_name = t.table_name);
2. cpu耗时查询
with aasstat as ( select decode(n.wait_class,'user i/o','user i/o', 'commit','commit', 'wait') class, sum(round(m.time_waited/m.intsize_csec,3)) aas, begin_time , end_time from v$waitclassmetric m, v$system_wait_class n where m.wait_class_id=n.wait_class_id and n.wait_class != 'idle' group by decode(n.wait_class,'user i/o','user i/o', 'commit','commit', 'wait'), begin_time, end_time union select 'cpu_ora_consumed' class, round(value/100,3) aas, begin_time , end_time from v$sysmetric where metric_name='cpu usage per sec' and group_id=2 union select 'cpu_os' class , round((prcnt.busy*parameter.cpu_count)/100,3) aas, begin_time , end_time from ( select value busy, begin_time,end_time from v$sysmetric where metric_name='host cpu utilization (%)' and group_id=2 ) prcnt, ( select value cpu_count from v$parameter where name='cpu_count' ) parameter union select 'cpu_ora_demand' class, nvl(round( sum(decode(session_state,'on cpu',1,0))/60,2),0) aas, cast(min(sample_time) as date) begin_time , cast(max(sample_time) as date) end_time from v$active_session_history ash where sample_time >= (select begin_time from v$sysmetric where metric_name='cpu usage per sec' and group_id=2 ) and sample_time < (select end_time from v$sysmetric where metric_name='cpu usage per sec' and group_id=2 ) ) select to_char(begin_time,'hh:mi:ss') begin_time, to_char(end_time,'hh:mi:ss') end_time, ( decode(sign(cpu_os-cpu_ora_consumed), -1, 0, (cpu_os - cpu_ora_consumed )) + cpu_ora_consumed + decode(sign(cpu_ora_demand-cpu_ora_consumed), -1, 0, (cpu_ora_demand - cpu_ora_consumed ))) cpu_total, decode(sign(cpu_os-cpu_ora_consumed), -1, 0, (cpu_os - cpu_ora_consumed )) cpu_os, cpu_ora_consumed cpu_ora, decode(sign(cpu_ora_demand-cpu_ora_consumed), -1, 0, (cpu_ora_demand - cpu_ora_consumed )) cpu_ora_wait, commit, readio, wait from ( select min(begin_time) begin_time, max(end_time) end_time, sum(decode(class,'cpu_ora_consumed',aas,0)) cpu_ora_consumed, sum(decode(class,'cpu_ora_demand' ,aas,0)) cpu_ora_demand, sum(decode(class,'cpu_os' ,aas,0)) cpu_os, sum(decode(class,'commit' ,aas,0)) commit, sum(decode(class,'user i/o' ,aas,0)) readio, sum(decode(class,'wait' ,aas,0)) wait from aasstat)
3. 等待事件信息
select sid sw_sid, case when state != 'waiting' then 'working' else 'waiting' end as state, case when state != 'waiting' then 'on cpu / runqueue' else event end as sw_event, seq#, seconds_in_wait sec_in_wait, case state when 'waiting' then nvl2(p1text,p1text||'= ',null)||case when p1 < 536870912 then to_char(p1) else '0x'||rawtohex(p1raw) end else null end sw_p1, case state when 'waiting' then nvl2(p2text,p2text||'= ',null)||case when p2 < 536870912 then to_char(p2) else '0x'||rawtohex(p2raw) end else null end sw_p2, case state when 'waiting' then nvl2(p3text,p3text||'= ',null)||case when p3 < 536870912 then to_char(p3) else '0x'||rawtohex(p3raw) end else null end sw_p3, case state when 'waiting' then case when event like 'cursor:%' then '0x'||trim(to_char(p1, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')) when (event like 'enq%' or event = 'dfs lock handle') and state = 'waiting' then '0x'||trim(to_char(p1, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'))||': '|| chr(bitand(p1, -16777216)/16777215)|| chr(bitand(p1,16711680)/65535)|| ' mode '||bitand(p1, power(2,14)-1) when event like 'latch%' and state = 'waiting' then '0x'||trim(to_char(p1, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'))||': '||( select name||'[par' from v$latch_parent where addr = hextoraw(trim(to_char(p1,rpad('0',length(rawtohex(addr)),'x')))) union all select name||'[c'||child#||']' from v$latch_children where addr = hextoraw(trim(to_char(p1,rpad('0',length(rawtohex(addr)),'x')))) ) when event like 'library cache pin' then '0x'||rawtohex(p1raw) else null end else null end as sw_p1transl from v$session_wait order by state, sw_event, p1, p2, p3;
4. 查询当前监听的连接信息
select host_short || '.' || sid || '= (description = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = ' || hostname || ')(port = ' || port || ')) (connect_data = (server = dedicated) ' || case when instr(service_name, 'xdb') > 0 then null else '(service_name = ' || service_name || ')' end || '(sid = ' || sid || ') )) ' from (select --target_name, upper(host_name) hostname ,upper(substr(t.host_name, 1, instr(t.host_name, '.') - 1)) host_short ,(substr(t.host_name ,instr(t.host_name, '.') + 1 ,length(t.host_name))) domain ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'port' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) port ,'sys/anything@' || host_name || ':' || (select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'port' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) || '/' || (select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'servicename' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) || ' as sysdba' connection_string ,(select tp.property_value from mgmt$target_properties tp where tp.target_type = 'host' and tp.property_name = 'ip_address' and tp.target_name = t.host_name) ip ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'dbversion' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) db_version ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'oraclehome' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) oh ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'servicename' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) service_name ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'log_archive_mode' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) logmode ,upper((select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'sid' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid)) sid ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'cpucount' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) cpu ,round(sysdate - to_date((select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'starttime' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ,0) days_uptime ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'starttime' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) uptime ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'versioncategory' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) versioncategory ,(select p.property_value from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'versionbanner' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) versionbanner ,case when (instr((select upper(p.property_value) from mgmt$target_properties p where p.property_name = 'versionbanner' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid) ,'enterprise')) > 0 then 'enterprise' else 'standard/standard one' end edition ,(select b.value from mgmt$ecm_visible_snapshots a ,sysman.mgmt_db_init_params_ecm b where a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id and a.target_type = 'oracle_database' and b.name = 'control_file_record_keep_time' and a.target_guid = t.target_guid) control_file_record_keep_time ,(select b.value from mgmt$ecm_visible_snapshots a ,sysman.mgmt_db_init_params_ecm b where a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id and a.target_type = 'oracle_database' and b.name = 'optimizer_features_enable' and a.target_guid = t.target_guid) optimizer_features_enable ,(select round(b.value / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) from mgmt$ecm_visible_snapshots a ,sysman.mgmt_db_init_params_ecm b where a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id and a.target_type = 'oracle_database' and b.name = 'memory_target' and a.target_guid = t.target_guid) memory_target ,(select sessions_highwater from mgmt$ecm_visible_snapshots a ,sysman.mgmt_db_license_ecm b where a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id and target_type = 'oracle_database' and a.target_guid = t.target_guid) sessions_highwater ,(select sessions_current from mgmt$ecm_visible_snapshots a ,sysman.mgmt_db_license_ecm b where a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id and target_type = 'oracle_database' and a.target_guid = t.target_guid) sessions_current from mgmt$target t where t.target_type in ('oracle_database')) raw_data order by host_short ,sid;