- ogg-00685 begin time prior to oldest log in log history
- goldengate 故障及解决方法汇总
- oracle 手册
https://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/1212/gg-winux/gwurf/toc.htm - (ext.prm) line 13: parsing error, [convertucs2clobs] is obsolete.
- expdp/impdp中parfile参数使用
window 注意 导入导出
expdp parfile=d:\app\qingmiaokeji\admin\orcl\adump\expdp_zzbs.par parallel=8 flashback_scn=1438905
impdp qingmiaokeji/qingmiaokeji remap_schema=qingmiaokeji:qingmiaokeji remap_tablespace=qingmiaokeji:qingmiaokeji_data dumpfile= expdp_zzbs_%u.dmp -
virtual box centos7 配置 上网
- centos7 安装oracle
- 修改字符集
- 错误整理: ora-12705: cannot access nls data files or invalid environment specified
- 在windows系统设置goldengate服务随系统启动
- goldengate 配置extract,replicat进程自启动
- 删除10天前的trail文件
- windows平台使用rman命令自动删除oracle过期归档日志的方法
- windows计划任务设置,定时执行指定脚本
ogg trail文件版本问题,重置
alter extract epmp etrollover
alter replicat finance, extseqno 53
ora-12560: tns: 协议适配器错误
ogg-01194 oracle goldengate capture for oracle, ext_sc0.prm: extract task rep_sc0 abended : file initialload, with compatibility level 6, is not compatible with the current software version’s compatibility level of 5. modify the file writer’s parameter file to generate the appropriate format using the format level 5 option
ogg 接收和发送端 ogg版本不一致,可用formate level参数
exttrail ./dirdat/dbty/tr,format level 5