- 安装oracle所需的依赖包
- 关闭selinux(阿里云缺省关闭)
- 安装oracle
使用dd命令创建一个swap分区: dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap bs=1024 count=1048576 (count的值是:size(多少m)* 1024,我这里设置的1g虚拟内存,也就是count=1024000)
格式化swap分区: mkswap /home/swap
把格式化后的文件分区设置为swap分区: swapon /home/swap (关闭swap分区命令为:[root@localhost desktop]#swapoff /home/swap)
swap分区自动挂载:vi /etc/fstab 在文件末尾加上”/home/swap swap swap default 0 0″
yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make binutils compat-libstdc++-33 glibc glibc-devel libaio libaio-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel unixodbc unixodbc-devel sysstat ksh
groupadd -g 200 oinstall #添加oinstall组,组的id为200 groupadd -g 201 dba #添加dba组,组的id为201 useradd -u 440 -g oinstall -g dba oracle #添加用户oracle,并specified它的id为440. passwd oracle #输入oracle用户的密码 id oracle #查看用户id和所属组。
vim /etc/selinux/config #编辑配置文件,关闭selinux setenforce 0 #立即关闭selinux
使用“su – u oracle”切换到oracle账号下
unzip linux.x64_11gr2_database_1of2.zip unzip linux.x64_11gr2_database_2of2.zip
vim /app/oracle/database/response/db_install.rsp
oracle.install.responsefileversion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_dbinstall_response_schema_v11_2_0 oracle.install.option=install_db_swonly oracle_hostname=可以写本机地址 unix_group_name=oinstall inventory_location=/app/oracle/orainventory selected_languages=zh_cn,en oracle_home=/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 oracle_base=/app/oracle oracle.install.db.installedition=ee oracle.install.db.iscustominstall=false oracle.install.db.dba_group=dba oracle.install.db.oper_group=oinstall oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.type=general_purpose oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.globaldbname=orcl oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.sid=orcl oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.characterset=al32utf8 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryoption=true oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memorylimit=512 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.installexampleschemas=false oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.enablesecuritysettings=true oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.all=oracle2018 oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.control=db_control oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.dbcontrol.enableemailnotification=false oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.automatedbackup.enable=false decline_security_updates=true
./runinstaller -silent -responsefile /app/oracle/database/response/db_install.rsp
the following configuration scripts need to be executed as the "root" user. #!/bin/sh #root scripts to run /app/oracle/orainventory/orainstroot.sh /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/root.sh to execute the configuration scripts: 1. open a terminal window 2. log in as "root" 3. run the scripts 4. return to this window and hit "enter" key to continue successfully setup software.
/app/oracle/orainventory/orainstroot.sh /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/root.sh
vi ~/.bash_profile
export path export oracle_base=/app/oracle export oracle_home=$oracle_base/product/11.2.0/db_1 export path=$path:$oracle_home/bin export oracle_sid=orcl export tns_admin=$oracle_home/network/admin
使用下面命令使环境变量生效:source ~/.bash_profile
localoracle = (description = (address_list = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521)) ) (connect_data = (service_name = orcl) ) )
responsefile_version = "11.2.0" operation_type = "createdatabase" [createdatabase] gdbname = "orcl" sid = "orcl" characterset="al32utf8"
dbca -silent -responsefile /app/oracle/database/response/dbca.rsp #执行结束后需要输入2次oracle设置的密码
su – u oracle
sqlplus “/as sysdba”
select * from tabs;
# copyright (c) 1997 by the oracle corporation # # name # listener.ora # function # network listener startup parameter file example # notes # this file contains all the parameters for listener.ora, # and could be used to configure the listener by uncommenting # and changing values. multiple listeners can be configured # in one listener.ora, so listener.ora parameters take the form # of sid_list_<lsnr>, where <lsnr> is the name of the listener # this parameter refers to. all parameters and values are # case-insensitive. # <lsnr> # this parameter specifies both the name of the listener, and # it listening address(es). other parameters for this listener # us this name in place of <lsnr>. when not specified, # the name for <lsnr> defaults to "listener", with the default # address value as shown below. # # listener = # (address_list= # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=localhost)(port=1521)) # (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=pnpkey))) listener=(description_list=(description= (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=localhost)(port=1521)) ) ) # sid_list_<lsnr> # list of services the listener knows about and can connect # clients to. there is no default. see the net8 administrator's # guide for more information. # # sid_list_listener= # (sid_list= # (sid_desc= # #bequeath config # (global_dbname=salesdb.mycompany) # (sid_name=sid1) # (oracle_home=/private/app/oracle/product/8.0.3) # #prespawn config # (prespawn_max=20) # (prespawn_list= # (prespawn_desc=(protocol=tcp)(pool_size=2)(timeout=1)) # ) # ) # ) sid_list_listener= (sid_list= (sid_desc= (global_dbname=orcl) (sid_name=orcl) (oracle_home=/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1) (prespawn_max=20) (prespawn_list= (prespawn_desc=(protocol=tcp)(pool_size=2)(timeout=1)) ) ) ) # passwords_<lsnr> # specifies a password to authenticate stopping the listener. # both encrypted and plain-text values can be set. encrypted passwords # can be set and stored using lsnrctl. # lsnrctl> change_password # will prompt for old and new passwords, and use encryption both # to match the old password and to set the new one. # lsnrctl> set password # will prompt for the new password, for authentication with # the listener. the password must be set before running the next # command. # lsnrctl> save_config # will save the changed password to listener.ora. these last two # steps are not necessary if save_config_on_stop_<lsnr> is on. # see below. # # default: none # # passwords_listener = 20a22647832fb454 # "foobar" # save_config_on_stop_<lsnr> # tells the listener to save configuration changes to listener.ora when # it shuts down. changed parameter values will be written to the file, # while preserving formatting and comments. # default: off # values: on/off # # save_config_on_stop_listener = on # use_plug_and_play_<lsnr> # tells the listener to contact an onames server and register itself # and its services with onames. # values: on/off # default: off # # use_plug_and_play_listener = on # log_file_<lsnr> # sets the name of the listener's log file. the .log extension # is added automatically. # default=<lsnr> # # log_file_listener = lsnr # log_directory_<lsnr> # sets the directory for the listener's log file. # default: <oracle_home>/network/log # # log_directory_listener = /private/app/oracle/product/8.0.3/network/log # trace_level_<lsnr> # specifies desired tracing level. # default: off # values: off/user/admin/support/0-16 # # trace_level_listener = support # trace_file_<lsnr> # sets the name of the listener's trace file. the .trc extension # is added automatically. # default: <lsnr> # # trace_file_listener = lsnr # trace_directory_<lsnr> # sets the directory for the listener's trace file. # default: <oracle_home>/network/trace # # trace_directory_listener=/private/app/oracle/product/8.0.3/network/trace # connect_timeout_<lsnr> # sets the number of seconds that the listener waits to get a # valid database query after it has been started. # default: 10 # # connect_timeout_listener=10
使用lsnrctl start命令启动侦听器