
有些人,只可远观不可近瞧;有些话,只可慢言不可说尽。Some people can only look at it from a distance; There are some words that can only be said slowly.

路再远,再荆棘满途,只要去走,勇敢的披荆斩棘,就一定能走到目的地。No matter how far the road is, no matter how hard the road is, as long as you walk and bravely overcome difficulties, you will be able to walk to your destination.

想一千次,不如去做一次。华丽的跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊。It’s better to do it once than to think it a thousand times. Gorgeous falls are better than meaningless wandering.

人生并是一路坦途,跌倒了,你可以哭,但必须要站起来,眼泪能博得同情,也让你更加脆弱。Life is not a smooth road. If you fall down, you can cry, but you must stand up. Tears can win sympathy and make you more vulnerable.

想法要想实现,必须要勤奋努力。不可能心想事成,心成。则灵。If you want to realize your idea, you must work hard. It’s impossible to get what you want. The spirit.

其实无论什么心,什么年纪,最要紧是勇敢坚定,珍惜你所有,热爱你所得。In fact, no matter what heart or age, the most important thing is to be brave and firm, cherish what you have and love what you get.

思君恋君心向君,忘我随云,奈何身不随心,空任孤心对流云。Thinking of you and loving your heart to you, forgetting to follow the cloud, but not doing what you want, leaving your heart alone and facing the cloud.

我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅。最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。We think we love deeply, deeply, and in the future, we will let you know that it is only shallow, shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time.

神仙何足慕,只是羡鸳鸯。祝两位新婚快乐,永寿偕老!Immortals admire only mandarin ducks. I wish you a happy wedding and a long life together!

若把爱情看得高于一切,那不仅会破坏爱情,而且很容易葬送人生及事业。If you put love above everything else, it will not only destroy love, but also easily ruin your life and career.

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